This work package enriches the findings of the project and, by engaging stakeholders throughout the research, provide a clear focus for the project on the needs of practitioners in relevant fields. It both disseminates the results of the project to relevant stakeholders and directly builds capacity through engagement with key end users. It also promotes transnational encounters between local stakeholders, institutional agents, media representatives and creative artists in order to facilitate dialogue and instigate more inclusive practices. It supports and informs the work and professional development of practitioners in the field, disseminating the results of the project to practitioners in such a way that they can apply those results to their own projects and develop new products that differ significantly from currently available memory products. It provides a set of concrete product blueprints which practitioners can draw on in their own work, and directly builds capacity through the training of training practitioners.
Stakeholders will be identified and engaged through a series of activities designed to maximise the impact of the project and its responsiveness to the needs of potential end users. The following stakeholders have offered their support to the project:
o Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte, Rome
o British School at Rome
o Museum of the City of Krakow
o Museum Berlin Karlshorst
o Asteria Multimedia S.r.l., Italy
o Mauthausen Memorial Association
o Catalonian Institutional Memorial
o Asociación para la recuperación de la memoria histórica
o Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne
o Kobarid Museum (Slovenia)
o ARTEMAd (Asoc. de empresas productoras de Artes Escénicas de Madrid)
o Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (Tuzla Office – Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina)
o Izvor (Association of Families of Victim) (Bosnia)
o International University of Sarajevo
o International Portrait Gallery,Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
o Front Slobode, Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
o International Commission on Missing Persons (Bosnia and Herzegovina).