Clemente Bernad
We are happy to announce that the second run of our FREE ONLINE COURSE based on UNREST research into agonistic memory is now open for registrations.
The course is offered in English, French, German and Spanish, and begins on 7 January 2019. Find out more and register here.
‘How we remember war and violence: theory and practice’ combines ground-breaking research into memory theory with practical case studies.
We are keen to share our research with representatives from civil society organisations in the fields of memory and commemoration, and museum professionals – including directors, curators, conservators, and educators. In this course, we aim to provide you with cutting edge theory and practical tools to help you apply the latest research to your own projects and products. You will engage with different approaches and discuss how they have been developed by heritage practitioners and policymakers. You will be able to identify and compare existing models of memory, reflect on and debate this new way of remembering, ‘agonistic memory,’ and discuss and develop how you might best apply this theory in your own heritage context.
Please do share this course with fellow colleagues and among your networks. It is also designed for policymakers who are responsible for funding and coordinating commemorative activities, as well as members of the general public.
There will also be a third course which will begin on 4 March.