Mariano Llorente is an actor, director and playwright and has made much of his theater activity in the company Micomicón, which he co-founded in 1992, and with which he has directed several shows. He is the author of ten texts, of which “Todas las palabras” (All words), “Cancionero republicano” (Republican Songbook), “Nadie canta en ningún sitio” (Nobody sings anywhere), “Hamlet por poner un ejemplo” (Hamlet for instance), “Basta que me escuchen las estrellas” (It suffices if the stars listen to me); “Veintiuno treinta y siete” (Twenty one thirty seven); “Hacia Guernica” (Towards Guernica) and “El triángulo azul” (Blue triangle) have been published or premiered. As an actor he has participated in most of the shows of the company, in addition to shows of the National Drama Centre, Rosaura Theatre, La Carnicería, Teatro Meridional and numerous televiosin series and some movies, work for which he has received among others the awards “Garnacha Best Lead Actor”, “Best Actor Angry Film Festival (Australia), “Best Actor Festival of Dosquebradas (Colombia)”. In 2005 he received the “Lázaro Carreter” award for Dramatic Literature and in 2015 the “Max” award for best actor and the Spanish National Award for Dramatic Literature. The German version of his text “Towards Guernica” is part of the repertoire of the Dresden based theatre Junge Generation (Germany) and will be released in Berlin.