Ingo Wuttke studied history, political science and German literature at the University Duisburg-Essen. His master’s thesis discusses the “Ausnahmezustand als Ausgangspunkt der Parlamentarismuskritik Carl Schmitts”. In 2008 he started working as a freelancer and later as a trainee at the Ruhr Museum. During the initial phase of establishing the new permanent exhibition of the Ruhr Museum, he developed the topics “Opposition Against the Nazi Regime in the Ruhr Area” and “Heavy Industry in the Ruhr Area and Nacism”. From 2011 to 2012 he was curator of the exhibition “200 Years of Krupp – Visiting a Myth”. Subsequently he established the concept of the topics “War and Violence” in the special exhibition “1914 – In the Middle of Europe”. A year later he was employee at the public relations department of the Stasi Records Ageny. Since 2016 Ingo Wuttke is again working as a research associate at the Ruhr Museum within the scope of the exhibition project “The Age of Carbon”. In his PhD thesis he is focussing on Ernst Poensgen, an entrepreneur of the steel industry in Düsseldorf.