Professor MSO of Spanish, Aarhus University (AU), Denmark. HLH is specialized on the topic of memory studies, contemporary narrative modes and their contribution to the construction of cultural communities. He was the director of the collective research project La memoria novelada on the Spanish novel on the Civil War and Francoism written after the turn of the Millennium (2011-14), director of the research programme Globalization, Migration and Memory at AU 2012-2015 and he is deputy director of the Faculty research programme Uses of the Past at ARTS/AU. Selected publications: ‘Modes of Remembering in the Spanish Memory Novel’, Orbis Litterarum (web-publication ahead of print), 2016; ‘On Agonistic Memory’, Memory Studies (web-publication ahead of print), co-authored with A Cento Bull, 2016; ‘Memoria agonística en Los girasoles ciegos‘, en Los girasoles ciegos de Alberto Méndez 10 años después, I. López Guil & C. Albizu Yeregui (eds.) Madrid: Antonio Machado Libros 2015. La memoria novelada III: Memoria transnacional y anhelos de justicia, 2015 co-edited with JC Cruz Suárez and A Sánchez Cuervo, Peter Lang, 2015, and Conflictos de la memoria – Memoria de los conflictos, co-edited with L Cecchini, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2013.