Christian Axboe Nielsen is Associate Professor of Southeast European Studies at Aarhus University in Denmark. He received his Ph.D. in Eastern European history with distinction from Columbia University in 2002, and also holds a Master of International Affairs degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. He has worked as an analyst at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and at the International Criminal Court, and has appared as an expert witness in international and domestic criminal and civil cases, including the trial of Radovan Karadžić. He has also worked as a consultant for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and for the Ministries of Justice of Canada and Germany. In 2014, he published Making Yugoslavs: Identity in King Aleksandar’s Yugoslavia (University of Toronto Press) and has also published a Handbook on Assisting International Criminal Investigations. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals on Yugoslav history, football holiganism and genocide. His publications which deal with confronting the criminal past in the former Yugoslavia include: “From Nightmare to Pragmatic Partnership: Serbia and the EU” (chapter in forthcoming anthology Playing Second Fiddle, Universus Academic Press, 2015), “Surmounting the Myopic Focus on Genocide: The Case of the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina” (Journal of Genocide Reserach, 2013), “Can We Salvage a History of the Former Yugoslav Conflicts from the Milošević Trial (chapter in anthology The Milošević Trial: An Autopsy, Oxford University Press 2013) and “War Crimes and Organized Crime in Former Yugoslavia (Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 2012). He is currently working on a history of the police in socialist Yugoslavia and is also conducting research on competitive victimhood in the historiographies of the former Yugoslavia.