Anna Cento Bull is Professor of Italian History and Politics at the University of Bath, UK. She has examined the legacy of 1960s-1970s Italian terrorism, exploring issues related to reconciliation, memory, truth and justice and comparing the views of victims, perpetrators and politicians close to the right. Early research focussed on extreme-right terrorism. The findings of this research have been published as journal articles, book chapters, and a solo-authored book, Italian Neofascism. The Strategy of Tension and the Politics of Nonreconciliation, published by Berghahn in 2007 (re-published in paperback in 2011). More recently, her research has examined the end of terrorism and its legacy in Italy with reference to both left and right terrorism, thanks to a new major round of interviews with former terrorists and victims/relatives of victims. A new book, entitled Ending Terrorism in Italy, written jointly with Dr Philip Cooke, University of Strathclyde, was published by Routledge in 2013. During the course of her research on Italian terrorism she was awarded an AHRC Research Grant (2005) and an AHRC Research Fellowship (2010).
In 2014 she was appointed Guest Research Professor at the University of Aarhus, where she collaborated on the memory of conflict with a number of colleagues in the School of Communication and Culture, including Professor Hans Lauge Hansen, with whom she co-authored an article, ‘On Agonistic Memory’, published in Memory Studies in 2016.
Professor Bull has collaborated with Italian victims’ associations and with the European-Commission- funded Radicalisation Awareness Network Voices of Victims of Terrorism (RAN-VVT), which recently produce a Handbook on Voices of Victims of Terrorism (May 2016), to which she contributed.
She is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Modern Italy and of the Faculty of Archaeology, History and History of Art, British School at Rome. Between 2009 and 2012 she was an AHRC Peer Review Fellow and between 2005 and 2010 she was Co-Editor of Modern Italy.